Philipp Wu

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I am a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley advised by Professor Pieter Abbeel. I am interested in enabling general real world robots. My research falls at the intersection of reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, and robotics. You can reach me at my email: phil80301[at]berkeley[dot]edu

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Project Thumbnail From LLMs to Actions: Latent Codes as Bridges in Hierarchical Robot Control
Yide Shentu*, Philipp Wu*, Aravind Rajeswaran, Pieter Abbeel.
website | tweet
Project Thumbnail GELLO: A General, Low-Cost, and Intuitive Teleoperation Framework for Robot Manipulators.
Philipp Wu, Yide Shentu, Zhongke Yi, Xingyu Lin, Pieter Abbeel.
paper | website | tweet
Project Thumbnail Interactive Task Planning with Language Models
Boyi Li*, Philipp Wu*, Pieter Abbeel, Jitendra Malik.
paper | website | tweet
Project Thumbnail RoboPianist: Dexterous Piano Playing with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Kevin Zakka, Philipp Wu, Laura Smith, Nimrod Gileadi, Taylor Howell, Xue Bin Peng, Sumeet Singh, Yuval Tassa, Pete Florence, Andy Zeng, Pieter Abbeel
CORL 2023
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Project Thumbnail Masked Trajectory Models for Prediction, Representation, and Control. (ICML 2023)
Philipp Wu, Arjun Majumdar, Kevin Stone, Yixin Lin, Igor Mordatch, Pieter Abbeel, Aravind Rajeswaran.
ICML 2023
paper | website | tweet
DayDreamer: World Models for Physical Robot Learning. (CoRL 2022)
Philipp Wu*, Alejandro Escontrela*, Danijar Hafner*, Ken Goldberg, Pieter Abbeel.
CoRL 2022
paper | website | tweet
Project Thumbnail Replay Overshooting: Learning Stochastic Latent Dynamics with the Extended Kalman Filter.
Albert Li*, Philipp Wu*, Monroe Kennedy III.
ICRA 2021
Project Thumbnail Robust and Low-Cost Gripper Design for AI-Based Robotic Manipulation.
Menglong Guo, Philipp Wu, Brent Yi, Stephen McKinley, David Gealy, Pieter Abbeel.
CASE 2019
paper | website
Project Thumbnail Quasi-Direct Drive for Low-Cost Compliant Robotic Manipulation.
David Gealy, Stephen McKinley, Brent Yi, Philipp Wu, Phillip R. Downey, Greg Balke, Allan Zhao, Menglong Guo, Rachel Thomasson, Anthony Sinclair, Peter Cuellar, Zoe McCarthy, Pieter Abbeel.
ICRA 2019
paper | website


In undergrad I worked on the BLUE project, building and writing the contorl stack for low-cost robotic manipulators. For more information about out BLUE see our paper.